
Multiple Offices

Lenahan & Dempsey is one of the largest law firms in Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania representing the seriously injured. Founded in 1948, we have a history of aggressively protecting the interests of our clients.

We maintain offices in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Stroudsburg and Berwick to serve our clients. Lenahan & Dempsey has over 50 talented individuals working to serve the interests of our clients. We are available to meet with seriously injured individuals in any of our offices, or even in your home or hospital room if necessary.


With a firm our size comes important resources such as medical consultants, a nation-wide network of outside expert consultants, a full support staff and attorneys with a broad range of practice interests.

These resources come together when you are fighting against a large corporation or insurance company and their staff of in-house lawyers and outside law firms.


Call 888.536.2426 for a free consultation.

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